National Youth Council of Nigeria
Comrade Umar Lauya Hardawa's
Campaign manifestos:
Good Day to you all.
As many of you here are aware of the upcoming NATIONAL YOUTH COUNCIL OF NIGERIA election, I UMAR A.LAUYA
I hereby declare my intention to run for the post of State Chairman.
I humbly seek support from all of you. As I mentioned earlier , we are here for you, because of you, to give you a voice and a listening ear , to promote and protect the interests of my fellow YOUTHS, to lead and never to rule.
I hope we 'll be given due consideration and here below are my Campaign Manifestos :
1. To unite and promote the youth by defending consistently the right of all people in the society throught education awareness and campaign that will guarantee them free and fair trial without hindrance and marginalization on the basis of sex, religion or any other forms of social or economic idiosyncrasies.
2. To restructure and brighten the life of the youth and women in the society by educating them on the danger of illicit drug abuse, provision of skills acquisition training and providing financial support to the needy as the case may be.
3. To tackle the problem of unemployment amongst youth. Organize a seminar, workshop and symposium on entrepreneurship and skills acquisition thereby imparting knowledge about the secrets of nurturing a business idea and turning it into a successful and profitable business.
4. Enhance the prestige and uniqueness of members of the organization by being vanguard of peace and democratic rule of law in our society and the state at large.
5. To foster cordial relationship within society that can facilitate understanding with other association from within and outside Bauchi state.
6. To create an equilibrium society with Justice to all individuals in Bauchi state.
7. To promote and protect EDUCATION among the youths so as to meet international standards.
8. To maintain discipline and sanity
in schools as well as law and
order in our various society.
9. To promote Human Rights and
empower children and youths to
speak out and act to solve
community and national
10. To eradicate Poverty, corruption, Indiscipline, Teenage
Pregnancy and promote Gender
11. To establish strong partnership
and work with Individuals and
Institutions both local and
international that are working to
and Human Right in general.
"Leaders aren't born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that's the price we'll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal."
Comrade Umar Lauya Hardawa
Aspirant Chairman NYCN Bauchi State Chapter.
Signed: Campaign Organization